Miracle Orchid Bouquet

Miracle Orchid Bouquet

Miracle Orchid Bouquet
A dozen perfect orchids. Real flowers – that will last for years!
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The orchid holds a special place as one of the most alluring and captivating plants. For centuries it has been a symbol of love, luxury and beauty. Now, Danbury Mint proudly presents the Miracle Orchid Bouquet. Thanks to the ingenious sealed elliptical glass vase, these exotic orchids will not fade.

Make no mistake – these are not artificial flowers! The dozen lilac and purple-coloured orchid flowers have been carefully arranged within the glass vase and sealed with a permanent air-tight lid. What’s more, the bouquet has been tied at the base with fine, lilac netting and a ribbon tied in a pretty bow – as if they’d been sent by an admirer or loved one.

The vase measures 8” tall.

Item #:UK-MORCB2