The sword of Joyeuse, which can be seen today in the Louvre Museum, Paris, is one of the most enigmatic swords to have ever been crafted. It was carried by Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, who was King of the Franks and Emperor of the Romans.
Legend has it that Joyeuse had supernatural powers. Apparently, it was so brilliant, it had the ability to blind opponents in battle and would change colour up to thirty times a day. It also provided immunity to poison for whoever wielded it.
Made in the historic sword manufacturing city of Toledo, Spain, this replica features a richly decorated hilt with an antiqued bronze finish and wire-bound grip. The blunt stainless steel blade features etched heraldic decoration. It comes complete with a scabbard and is suitable for display only.
Actual size is 40 ½” (103cm) in length.