British Pre-Decimal Coins

British Pre-Decimal Coins
66 Results
66 Results



Metal Finish


£69.90 per shipment
£31.80 per shipment of 4 coins
£47.80 per shipment
£165 per coin.
£115 per two coins
the george iii bank of england dollar UK BOED b two the george iii bank of england dollar UK BOED a main
Few Remain
£9.95 for your first panel
£31.80 per shipment of four coins.
the george v penny mintmarks UK PMMC b two the george v penny mintmarks UK PMMC a main
Few Remain
£25.90 per shipment of 2 coins
£59.85 per shipment of three panels
£45 per shipment
£69 per shipment of two coins
£140 per coin
£169 per shipment
£69.90 per pair.
£110 per shipment
the elizabethan sixpences UK ESPC b two the elizabethan sixpences UK ESPC a main
Few Remain
£134 per pair.